Tuesday, August 14, 2012

PSU Campus Map

Click for a larger view - the two hotels and library are highlighted in red.

Printable campus maps can be downloaded from this website:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

2012 CONTENTdm Eastern User Group Meeting Program

The 2012 meeting of the CONTENTdm Eastern User Group now has a program! Registration is free - please register at Eventbrite:  http://cdmeug2012.eventbrite.com

Monday, August 20

1:00 – 2:00 Registration and lunch

2:003:00 Partners and Pixels: Collaborations in Digital Projects at the UMBC Library
Lindsey Loeper, Archivist and Vicki Sipe, Catalog Librarian, Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)

3:00 – 4:00 Creekside Digital: Build, Deploy and Host Your Collections
Jim Studnicki, Creekside Digital

4:00 – 5:00 Tours of Special Collections, Digitization & Preservation, Knowledge Commons

5:00 - 7:00 Relax on your own

7:00 - 9:00 Banquet dinner at NLI

Tuesday, August 21

8:309:30   Breakfast provided

9:3010:30  What Images Tell Us: Descriptive Metadata from Image Analysis
Vicki Sipe, Catalog Librarian, Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)

10:3011:30 Civil War in Your Attic
Michael Scott, Digitization Supervisor/MDCH Coordinator, Enoch Pratt Free Library/State Library Resource Center

11:301:15   Pizza/Ice Cream at the Creamery

1:152:00   Update on CONTENTdm
Christian Sarason, CONTENTdm Product Manager

2:003:00   Buffalo Building Stories Project
Stacy Person, University at Buffalo

3:003:30 6.1 Discussion panel

3:30 – 4:00   Plan for next year's meeting

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Version 6 User Panel - we need your participation!

We'd like to have a panel for users to discuss their experiences in using CONTENTdm version 6 - the good, the bad, the ugly, the sublime - Volunteer by writing Karen Schwentner at kes100@psu.edu!

Friday, May 18, 2012


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Call for Proposals: Eastern CONTENTdm User Group Meeting 2012

Call for Proposals 
Eastern CONTENTdm User Group Meeting 2012  
Dates: Monday – Tuesday, August 20-21, 2012  
Host: The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA  
Proposal due date: Friday, May 25, 2012     

Regional CONTENTdm User Group meetings provide attendees with the opportunity to network with the local CONTENTdm user community to share experiences, learn best practices, and get inspiration for creative CONTENTdm projects.

With this in mind, the Planning Committee invites proposals for conference talks, panel discussions, and/or lightning talks.

Topics are open to anything related to using CONTENTdm, including but not limited to:  
  •  Audio and video projects  
  • Newspaper collections  
  • Text projects (working with the OCR extension, compound object documents, monographs, PDFs, finding aids)  
  •  Thesis and Dissertation projects  
  • Metadata practices  
  • Consortia collaboration/participatory archives  
  • Working with 3D objects (artifacts, museum objects)  
  • Generation and use of reports and statistics  
  • Programming and applications (widgets, CONTENTdm API, other add-on features)  
  • Collection management and configuration  
  • Digital archiving and preservation of digital collections  
  • Creative and/or unconventional uses of CONTENTdm  
  • Customizations with v6  

Please submit proposals or questions to Karen Schwentner at kes100 at psu.edu. The proposal deadline is May 25, 2012.   

To submit proposal(s) please provide the following information:   

Contact information: 

Program Information: 

Type of program (Talk, Panel Discussion, Lightning Talk) 
Expected Outcomes 
Target Level of Audience (user): Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced       

All conference attendees are also invited to bring handouts, promotional materials, and/or simple poster to share some aspect of their local CONTENTdm collections.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

CONTENTdm Eastern User Group Meeting 2012 Scheduled at Penn State

Monday August 20 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Tuesday August 21 8:30am to 4:30pm

These times are meant to accommodate incoming flights Monday morning and outgoing flights Tuesday evening. (Airport code SCE)

Rooms on hold for Monday night:

Nittany Lion Inn (on campus) $109
Group code: CONH12A

Days Inn (right off campus) $78
Group code: CGPATE

All meals will be provided.

No registration fee, registration cap of 60 attendees.

Register at Eventbrite: http://cdmeug2012.eventbrite.com

Programming information forthcoming

If you want to propose or request a session topic, please email Karen Schwentner at kes100 at psu.edu